Managing Partner
- data protection
- IT-law, e-commerce
- copyright- and patent law
- (compensation for) damages, protection of investors
- general business and corporate law
- mergers & acquisitions, due diligence
- labour law
- claims’ management (recovery of claims)
- law of succession and family law
- litigation and arbitration
- born in Graz
- Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy (2007)
- Karl-Franzens-University Graz (Mag. iur. 2009)
- Bar exam with merit (May 2014)
- Post-graduate studies at the renowned University Vienna (LL.M. 2015)
- Court of Justice (2010)
- April 2011 to May 2012 Associate with Dr. Zsizsik & Dr. Prattes RAe OG
- May 2012 to May 2015 Associate with Mag. Arno F. Likar, LL.M.
- since June 2015 Managing Partner with LIKAR Rechtsanwälte GmbH (LIKAR Law Offices)
Languages: German (mother longue), English, Italian
- Certified Data Security Officer (ISO 17024)
- “Treuhandrevision” of the Styrian Chamber of Lawyers
- Handelskammer Schweiz-Österreich-Liechtenstein (HK SÖL)